hallo dowh ;)

My photo
sabak bernam, selangor, Malaysia
: TAKE NOTE ; I'm talking to much, do stop me if its annoy you . ; I'm trying to be as simple as i can BUT it all end up with a mess and nonsense . ; Silence means I no in a good mood , please ignore me . ; I'm an easy crying person when comes to Friends, Family and Love , do let me cry on your shoulder. ; precious persons is my one and only family , losing any single one of them I rather die for sure , I LOVE the Alib's . ; I'm a lousy , naughty , laud , shy , crazier , lazy , nerd , bad mouth , heavy sleeper , blabbering , empty head and easy to fall in love . ; Currently I'm single and I'm like someone .


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Malas .

Hey =_= .
My Condition are too critical ;
Which is I'm Too Lazy to do anything, including :

Lazy to get back to Dungun .
Lazy to read IR book (Oral Test) .
Lazy to think about him (F*ck ya) .
Lazy to do my IR&FA assignment (31st;due date) .
Lazy to Sleep now .
Lazy to get up from my bed .
Lazy to pack the bag .
Lazy to carry heavy bag tomorrow (in bus) .
Lazy to tidy up my room (messy) .
Lazy to pack my wardrobe (moving to another house) .
Lazy to open the door & ask my bro to not shut down his PC's .
Lazy to type comment on Facebook (ends with "Haha") .
Lazy to WRITE ON THIS BLOG . & .
Lazy to coloring & sizing my WORDS .
Duhh .
(I've to update this blog, so, I write laaaa~)

Everything is SOOO LAZY .
Ouh Ohhh..
I'm really TOO LAZY to THINK right now .

Bye .
Salam .